
I am an enthusiast of open-source. I believe that impact comes from helping others achieve what they originally couldn’t, and releasing softwares and datasets is the most direct approach to realize this goal. Here are some open-source projects I have been involved with.

The S3PRL Toolkit (co-founder)


I co-founded the S3PRL Toolkit with Andy T. Liu (NTU) in 2019, with support and advice from Hung-yi Lee (NTU). Throughout several years, I have collaborated with over 40 contributors, to whom I extend my sincere thanks. The major contributors are highlighted in the Change Log. The toolkit supports the pre-training of several classical SSL methods, benchmarking of numerous downstream tasks, and offers the most comprehensive collection of pre-trained SSL models to track research history. It is widely used by the community, including toolkits like ESPnet, S3PRL-VC and numerous open-source projects.

Here is a high-level illustration of how S3PRL might help you. We support to leverage numerous SSL representations on numerous speech processing tasks in our GitHub codebase:


We also modularize all the SSL models into a standalone PyPi package so that you can easily install it and use it without depending on our entire codebase. The following shows a simple example and you can find more details in our documentation.

  1. Install the S3PRL package:

     pip install s3prl
  2. Use it to extract representations for your own audio:

     import torch
     from s3prl.nn import S3PRLUpstream
     model = S3PRLUpstream("hubert")
     with torch.no_grad():
         wavs = torch.randn(2, 16000 * 2)
         wavs_len = torch.LongTensor([16000 * 1, 16000 * 2])
         all_hs, all_hs_len = model(wavs, wavs_len)
     for hs, hs_len in zip(all_hs, all_hs_len):
         assert isinstance(hs, torch.FloatTensor)
         assert isinstance(hs_len, torch.LongTensor)
         batch_size, max_seq_len, hidden_size = hs.shape
         assert hs_len.dim() == 1

With this modularization, we have achieved close integration with the general speech processing toolkit ESPnet, enabling the use of SSL models for a broader range of speech processing tasks and corpora to achieve state-of-the-art (SOTA) results (kudos to the ESPnet Team):


You can start the journey of SSL with the following entry points: