
I have found it extremely important to maintain a work-life balance. Eventually, what really matters is to be alive and live in peace and joy!


Besides my academic pursuits, I love playing the piano in my free time. I have been a big fan of Animenz since 2015; he is the one who really made me start enjoying playing the piano. His piano arrangement for the anime Nagi no Asukara deeply attracted and influenced me, and I’ve been practicing that piece for over 8 years! (This is true love…)

Despite that, I am now more attracted to classical piano pieces, which possess more sophisticated structures and delicate sound variations (there is no true love…). I am guided by Yiin-bin Yang in this endeavor. It has been a wonderful journey to explore the connection between music and scientific research, especially in their common purpose to deliver meaningful messages.

Here is my very preliminary and immature interpretation of Debussy’s Clair de Lune. I am still working on it and hope that one day, I can deliver even better sound, story, and meaningful interpretations (and papers).

Films & Anime

Besides piano, I also enjoy films and anime, including their soundtracks. One of my favorite and popular soundtrack is from The Legend of 1900, especially the piece ‘The Crisis.’ You can listen to it here:

I curated a favorite soundtrack list at my immature age of 19 in case you’re interested. (I actually have few to no friends sharing the interest in film soundtracks…)

Below are some of my favorite works and lines. Non-English lines were translated to English using ChatGPT 4 with the following prompt:

You are a professor of classical English literature, aspiring to author a timeless literary masterpiece. Please incorporate the following foreign lines into your epoch-making work, using a style characteristic of classic literature: …

(This prompt was also translated from Chinese using ChatGPT 4.)

  • Star Wars 1-6 (George Lucas)

    Named must your fear be before banish it you can. — Yoda.

    Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you. — Yoda.

    The fear of loss is a path to the dark side. Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. — Yoda.

    Be mindful of your thoughts. — Obi-Wan Kenobi.

  • The Grandmaster (Wong Kar-wai)

    One must look afar. Once over the mountain, the horizon broadens. — Gong Baosen.

    Those who dwell persistently upon a thought will surely hear its echo; where there is light, there too are people. — Gong Baosen.

    The vastness of the world extends well beyond the mere compass of north and south. To strive for absolute perfection is to doom oneself to stagnation. In your eyes, this pie may represent a martial faction; yet, to me, it symbolizes the entire world. True greatness harbors imperfection, for only through our flaws can we truly progress. If the method proves effective, why then should the Southern Fist be confined only to the propagation northward? Do you agree? — Ip Man.

  • Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Ang Lee)

    Li Mu Bai is but an empty title, as are the sects, the sword techniques, and even this Qing Ming Sword. All are but empty titles. — Li Mu Bai.

Of all the lines, the following lines are my absolute favorite. I’ve watched this anime over 100 times (literally).

  • Ping Pong the Animation (Taiyō Matsumoto & Yuasa Masaaki)

    (I’m slowly getting left behind, can’t keep up. It’s pretty clear who’s winning and who’s losing, but I’m not worried at all. I’m giving my all in hitting the ball, straining every nerve to react, no time to be afraid.) — Ryuichi Kazama, dragon.

    Something wrong? — Yutaka Hoshino.

    Nothing really, it feels really comfortable.

    Indeed. Yeah!
    We’re at match point now, dragon.

    Yeah. I guess this is where I stop, hero.


    My wings have flown to their limit. Will you still take me along?

    … (silent smile)

    … I see. (smile)


    (All the cells in my body are ecstatic, they’re commanding me to speed up. Speed up, speed up. As heroes grow quickly, I’m slowly being left behind. No need to rush, no need to fear. There’s no need… to be afraid. It’s nice here. It’s wonderful here.)

    You are awesome, dragon.

    (Truly, humans can fly.)
    (Humans really can fly.)